Monday, March 28, 2011


Himalayan Salt Lamps
It was discovered that miners who work deep below the earth's surface in the Himalayan salt mines rarely suffer from allergies, asthma, and other respiratory ailments. This is because they spend their days in an environment saturated with negative ions, which Himalayan salt releases naturally. The air we breath everyday is filled with negative and positive ions and, in order to maintain a healthy living atmosphere, these negative and positive ions must remain in balance. Unfortunately, many of the conveniences of modern life, such as our electronic devices and heating and cooling systems, produce an abundance of positive ions which throw the air we breath completely out of balance. That, in turn, can contribute to the development of allergies, asthma, stress, insomnia and other sleep disorders, sinus and migraine headaches, and a host of other health problems for many individuals.

As the world's foremost natural air ionizer and purifier, Himalayan salt serves as a corrective balance against the flood of toxins that often permeates the air we breath. You can help counter the undesirable health effects of the electronic devices that permeate every aspect of our daily lives, reducing the stress on your body and purifying the air you breathe with the extraordinary healing properties of Himalayan Salt Lamps.

Many lavish spas around the world have constructed Himalayan salt caves that mimic the Himalayan salt mines, and clients pay hundreds of dollars to undergo various Himalayan salt therapies at these facilities. While these types of facilities are wonderful and definitely worth experiencing, most of us do not have the time or the financial ability to visit a spa for therapy of this kind on a regular basis. This is why the popularity and desirability of Himalayan Salt Lamps has skyrocketed!

A Himalayan salt lamp, is a chunk of salt (Himalayan salt crystal) that has been mined and attached to a sturdy base made of wood or some other durable material. These Salt Lamps range in size from 3 lbs, to 60 lbs. or more, and are often commonly referred to as Himalayan salt crystal lamps or Himalayan crystal Salt Lamps. The salt lamp is drilled out at the center of the base underneath the lamp, to provide a space for a light source to be introduced. Adding a lightbulb inside a Himalayan salt lamp warms the salt from within and facilitates the release of negative ions from the Himalayan salt into the atmosphere. By utilizing negative ion-generating Himalayan Salt Lamps in your home, office, or anywhere else you spend time in your daily life, you can help alleviate symptoms caused by allergies, asthma, and a host of other conditions. Negative ions have been shown to assist in alleviating common indoor pollutants such as dust and mildew, as well as electromagnetic fields from electronic devices.

In addition, Himalayan Salt Lamps are aesthetically pleasing to look at and create an environment filled with positive energy. Many people find that placing several salt lamps in a particular room or space where they spend time lends an even greater benefit, both in terms of physical health and mood enhancement. At, our Himalayan Salt Lamps come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and designs to accommodate any size room you wish to ionize – no matter how small or large!

Edible Himalayan Salt

There are many different varieties of salt on the market. However, only one stands above the rest - Himalayan salt!

Traditional table salt that one would typically find in most supermarkets and grocery stores is composed of roughly 97% sodium chloride. The other 3% consists of various chemicals designed to prevent caking (clumping together) and improve the flow of the salt when poured or shaken. The salt is then bleached and processed under extreme heat which changes the chemical structure of the salt and destroys the essential trace minerals that exist in the salt's natural, raw state.

And therein lies the problem! The human body needs salt because of its rich mineral content which has now been destroyed and removed as a result of all of the chemical processing. As if that weren't bad enough, many commercial salt processors then treat the salt with hazardous substances like aluminum hydroxide, which is used to prevent the build up of moisture.

All this unnecessary processing takes away the positive benefits and "life energy" of salt for the human body and leaves the consumer with an un-natural mixture of sodium chloride and chemical additives that is extremely difficult for the human body to break down and metabolize. The body must sacrifice tremendous amounts of energy and cellular water in order to neutralize the damaging effects of the salt. The inability of the body to effectively neutralize these toxic chemicals and substances can result in numerous conditions such as cellulite buildup in undesirable areas, arthritis, gout, kidney and gall bladder stones, and elevated blood pressure.

As a result of all this, many consumers have turned to other types of salt like "sea salt" for their everyday salt consumption. While it is true that sea salts usually have a few additional minerals not found in regular table salt, it is also sadly the reality that far too many of our oceans and lakes are polluted with toxic poisons like mercury, PCBs, and dioxin. In addition, over 85% of all sea salt processors are using refining processes similar to those outlined above in their production of the salt that they sell to consumers. As a result, sea salt may not be much better health wise than traditional table salt.

Himalayan salt - often referred to as Himalayan pink salt, Himalayan crystal salt, or Himalayan rock salt - naturally contains an incredible selection of 84 different minerals and trace elements essential to the human body for optimal health and vitality. Himalayan salt contains no chemical additives and is not processed in any way, making it by far the top choice among the various types of salt available on the market.

Himalayan salt is mined from deep below the surface of the earth, at depths of a mile or more underground. The rich mineral content of Himalayan salt gives it a unique and vibrant pink color, thus it is sometimes referred to simply as "pink salt." Himalayan salt is not degraded in any way through chemical processing, bleaching, or anything of the sort. Nothing is added! Nothing is taken away! Use it in all of your recipes just like you would use traditional table salt – your body will be happy you did! It is also excellent for use in an oral rinse for sore throats, tooth aches, and the like.

It is theorized that, unlike with other salts,Himalayan salt does not elevate blood pressure and has the ability to regulate fluid balance and naturally stabilize blood pressure at a healthy level for the human body as a result of its rich mineral content (However, if you have any such health issues, it is of course always recommended that you discuss your particular situation with your health care provider.)
Himalayan salt has an endless supply of positive health benefits, including: boosting energy levels; increasing the absorption of food; promoting vascular, respiratory, and sinus health; decreasing swelling of the mucus membranes as a result of allergies, asthma, or other environmental pollutants; preventing muscle cramps; promoting bone health and strength; regulating healthy sleep patterns and mood; supporting a healthy libido; enhancing overall immune system function; stabilizing heart rate and blood pressure; and reducing excess acidity and balancing pH in the body's cells (which, as most researchers know, is extremely important because most diseases and illnesses thrive in an acidic state and cease to exist in an alkaline state).

Himalayan salt can be consumed in a number of ways, the most basic of which is to season and enhance raw or cooked foods.Himalayan salt can be used in the form of a solay solution, whereby a handful of Himalayan salt rocks are placed in a jar of cold water and refrigerated for at least 24 hours, creating a Himalayan salt solution jam packed with minerals once the rocks have fully dissolved. A spoonful of the solution is then taken daily. Himalayan salt can also be inhaled orally using the Himalayan salt Air Inhaler for relief of symptoms associated with allergies and asthma. As a natural anti-histamine, Himalayan salt can aid in decreasing the swelling and thickness caused by excessive mucus secretions in the lungs and throat. This can often be achieved by drinking several glasses of water with a pinch of Himalayan salt in them.

It is always essential that we as human beings listen to our bodies first and foremost. When you find yourself craving salty foods, that is your body's way of letting you know that you need minerals, not just sodium chloride (and assorted added chemicals). The human body needs an abundant supply of minerals in order to function at optimal levels, and Himalayan salt is the perfect way to naturally feed your body what it needs to perform at it's peak! Please visit our edible Himalayan salt section for great deals on genuineHimalayan salt, available in both fine and course grind, as well as rock form for solay preparations.

Acclaimed chef and restaurateur David Burke shows Al Roker some new ways to cook with Himalayan Salt and shares a few special recipes on the TODAY show!
Himalayan Salt Spa Products carries an extensive selection of high qualityHimalayan salt spa and bath products. We carry Himalayan salt spa crystals and bath salts in a variety of quantities and grades of coarseness. We offer bath salts that have been infused with essential oils like lavender and rose petal, in addition to the traditional unscented variety, as well as purifying scrubs, energy balls for massage therapy, and deodorant eggs - all of which contain one hundred percent natural Himalayan salt - no chemicals, pollutants, impurities, or additives of any kind!

Also, when shopping for Himalayan salt spa accessories, don't forget to check out our extensive collection of natural and crafted himalayan salt candle holders, perfect for setting a relaxing atmosphere for any spa treatment you have planned! Himalayan salt candle holderss, available in a variety of sizes and shapes, have the same ionizing effects as the Himalayan Salt Lamps (to a slightly lesser extent, because they are smaller), and neither the salt lamps nor the candle holders will lose their color, shape, or ionizing benefits, provided you don’t get them wet!

Himalayan salt Air Inhaler

Perhaps you saw this item on the Dr. Oz television show? As discussed above, it was observed that the miners who worked in the salt mines did not suffer from asthma or other respiratory ailments. This led to the discovery of some of the curative effects of the Himalayan salt and what is known as Physiotherapy. To emulate this effect, spas began constructing Himalayan salt caves for therapeutic purposes.

Now, with the introduction of the Himalayan salt inhaler, you can experience some of those same allergy relief and asthma relief benefits for yourself in the comfort of your own home. Simply use the Himalayan salt inhaler for roughly 10 to 15 minutes a day (depending on the severity of your symptoms), and experience it for yourself. At, our genuine Himalayan salt inhaler is made of fine ceramic, comes complete with 8 ounces of our genuine Himalayan pink salt, and is beautifully packaged. Grab yours today and you'll be able to "breathe easier" knowing you have the finest Himalayan salt inhaler!

Himalayan Salt Air Inhaler - Recommended by Dr. Oz!

History of Salt in Religion

History of Salt in Religion

Salt has long held an important place in religion and culture. Greek worshipers consecrated salt in their rituals. Jewish Temple offerings included salt; on the Sabbath, Jews still dip their bread in salt as a remembrance of those sacrifices. In the Old Testament, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Author Sallie Tisdale notes that salt is as free as the water suspending it when it's dissolved, and as immutable as stone when it's dry - a fitting duality for Lot's wife, who overlooks Sodom to this day.

Covenants in both the Old and New Testaments were often sealed with salt: the origin of the word "salvation." In the Catholic Church, salt is or has been used in a variety of purifying rituals. In fact, until Vatican II, a small taste of salt was placed on a baby's lip at his or her baptism. Jesus called his disciples "the Salt of the Earth." In Leonardo DaVinci's famous painting, "The Last Supper," Judas Escariot has just spilled a bowl of salt - a portent of evil and bad luck. To this day, the tradition endures that someone who spills salt should throw a pinch over his left shoulder to ward off any devils that may be lurking behind.

In Buddhist tradition,
Salt repels evil spirits. That's why it's customary to throw salt over your shoulder before entering your house after a funeral: it scares off any evil spirits that may be clinging to your back.

Shinto religion also uses salt to purify an area. Before sumo wrestlers enter the ring for a match—which is actually an elaborate Shinto rite—a handful of salt is thrown into the center to drive off malevolent spirits.

In the Southwest, the Pueblo worship the Salt Mother. Other native tribes had significant restrictions on who was permitted to eat salt. Hopi legend holds that the angry Warrior Twins punished mankind by placing valuable salt deposits far from civilization, requiring hard work and bravery to harvest the precious mineral.

In 1933, the Dalai Lama was buried sitting up in a bed of salt.

Today, a gift of salt endures in Pakistan as a potent symbol of good luck and a reference to Mahatma Gandhi's liberation of Pakistan, which included a symbolic walk to the sea to gather tax-free salt for the nation's poor.

History of Salt Economics

As a precious and portable commodity, salt has long been a cornerstone of economies throughout history. In fact, researcher M.R. Bloch conjectured that civilization began along the edges of the desert because of the natural surface deposits of salt found there. Bloch also believed that the first war, likely fought near the ancient city of Essalt on the Jordan River, could have been fought over the city's precious salt supplies.

In 2200 BC, the Chinese emperor Hsia Yu levied one of the first known taxes. He taxed salt. In Tibet, Marco Polo noted that tiny cakes of salt were pressed with images of the Grand Khan and used as coins. Salt is still used as money among the nomads of Ethiopia's Danakil Plains.

Greek slave traders often bartered salt for slaves, giving rise to the expression that someone was "not worth his salt." Roman legionnaires were paid in salt—salarium, the Latin origin of the word "salary."

Merchants in 12th-Century Timbuktu, the gateway to the Sahara Desert and the seat of scholars, valued salt as highly as books and gold.

In France, Charles of Anjou levied the "gabelle," a salt tax, in 1259 to finance his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. Outrage over the gabelle fueled the French Revolution. Though the revolutionaries eliminated the tax shortly after Louis XIV fell, the Republic of France reestablished the gabelle in the early 19th Century; only in 1946 was it removed from the books.

The Erie Canal, an engineering marvel that connected the Great Lakes to New York's Hudson River in 1825, was called "the ditch that salt built." Salt tax revenues paid for half the cost of construction of the canal.

The British monarchy supported itself with high salt taxes, leading to a bustling black market for the white crystal. In 1785, the earl of Dundonald wrote that every year in England, 10,000 people were arrested for salt smuggling. Protesting British rule in 1930, Mahatma Gandhi led a 200-mile march to the Arabian Ocean to collect untaxed salt for Pakistan's poor.

History of Salt Warfare

The effects of salt deficiency are highlighted in times of war, when human bodies and national economies are strained to their limits.

Thousands of Napoleon's troops died during the French retreat from Moscow due to inadequate wound healing and lowered resistance to disease—the results of salt deficiency.

Salt production facilities in Saltville, Va., Virginia's Kanawha Valley and Avery Island, Louisiana, were early targets of the Union Army. The North fought for 36 hours to capture Saltville, Va., where the salt works were considered crucial to the Rebel army. So crucial, that Confederate President Jefferson Davis offered to waive military service to anyone willing to tend coastal salt kettles to supply the South's war effort. In addition to dietary salt, the Confederacy needed the precious mineral to tan leather, dye cloth for uniforms and preserve meat.
Salt in History

Since its discovery, several thousand years ago, salt has profoundly affected human life, not only with respect to the feeding habits or the ancient food preserving home industry, but also in the human, economic, mythological and religious spheres. Last but not least, on beliefs, habits and superstitions. Salt was a greatly appreciated exchange commodity, so much so that the so-called "salt routes" were born, through which merchants transported and sold it in countries where it was not produced.

Some sources have confirmed the presence of such trading back in prehistoric times. The Phoenician showed themselves as true masters in the extraction and trading of salt, but only under the Romans can one speak of real exploitation of salt pans and the existence of a widespread trading network. It was precisely during the Roman Empire that soldiers were paid with sacks of salt, whence our term "salary".

The production and the transport of salt gave rise to new cities and to the construction of roads; such is the case of Salzburg—literally the "city of salt"—and of the via Salaria (the road of the salt) in Italy. Since the most remote past a tax was imposed on salt in numerous countries, but it has largely lost its importance today. Until 1975, in Italy this tax was collected through fiscal monopolies and the imposition of import customs. The State had a monopoly on the manufacture and sale of salt, and fixed the final market price, which included the tax rate of about 70% of the selling price. Discount prices were fixed on salt for agricultural and industrial uses, while its production was tax-free in Sicily, Sardinia and in the towns of Olivigno and Campione d'Italia.

Most ancient civilizations were accompanied by myths, religious and magic rites involving salt: one need only consider the history of the Jewish people or the content of some books of the Old Testament. For the ancient Hebrews salt, thanks to its flavoring qualities that made food tastier, became a symbol of the joy of joining around a table, so that eating together meant living in brotherly love.

In the New Testament salt found its place as well, present in a great number of metaphors or in parables as symbol of wisdom, incorruptibility, eternity and alliance between God and man. In Rome, on the eight day following his birth, a piece of salt was rubbed on the baby to keep away the demons and evil spirits. In the Gospel Jesus recommends his disciples to be "the salt of the earth", that is to be a force capable of keeping men from the corruption of sin.

The ancient Greeks and the Hebrews used salt during sacrifices, just as within the Roman temples the vestals prepared the sacrificial millstone by rubbing it with brine.

But if the salt fell from the head of the sacrifice's chosen victim, it was a sign of bad luck. Hence, the superstition, that has come down to our present time, is so engrained in us that in The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci we recognize Judas Iscariot -who shortly thereafter would betray Jesus- by the saltcellar he has carelessly dropped in front of him.

Considered by Plinio in his Naturalis historia as a panacea, in times gone by salt was offered to guests in sign of friendship (in Prague), while Germans took their oath with their hand sunk in it. In the Christian civilization, a bit of salt was even placed in the mouth of the baptized, pronouncing the formula "accipe sal sapiente", meaning that wisdom itself should flavor man's entire life. From Orazio

And, to conclude, salt can even be found in our bag of superstitions: many believe in its apostrophic power to drive away and exorcise evil spirits by sprinkling it on spilled oil. On the other hand there are those who fear bad luck will befall them if they should chance to drop salt on the floor, while it brings bad luck to the others if it is thrown.

A popular custom still in use in a number of European countries requires that a handful of salt be thrown in the coffin of a dead person before the burial. The salt—as symbol of incorruptibility and immortality—would thus keep away the devil. For the same reason in ancient Scotland salt was added in the brewing of beer, which would otherwise have been ruined by witches and evil spirits. In point of fact, the added salt had the affect of preventing excessive fermentation in the brew and therefore avoids its potential "corruption".

History of Salt in Religion

History of Salt in Religion

Salt has long held an important place in religion and culture. Greek worshipers consecrated salt in their rituals. Jewish Temple offerings included salt; on the Sabbath, Jews still dip their bread in salt as a remembrance of those sacrifices. In the Old Testament, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Author Sallie Tisdale notes that salt is as free as the water suspending it when it's dissolved, and as immutable as stone when it's dry - a fitting duality for Lot's wife, who overlooks Sodom to this day.

Covenants in both the Old and New Testaments were often sealed with salt: the origin of the word "salvation." In the Catholic Church, salt is or has been used in a variety of purifying rituals. In fact, until Vatican II, a small taste of salt was placed on a baby's lip at his or her baptism. Jesus called his disciples "the Salt of the Earth." In Leonardo DaVinci's famous painting, "The Last Supper," Judas Escariot has just spilled a bowl of salt - a portent of evil and bad luck. To this day, the tradition endures that someone who spills salt should throw a pinch over his left shoulder to ward off any devils that may be lurking behind.

In Buddhist tradition,
Salt repels evil spirits. That's why it's customary to throw salt over your shoulder before entering your house after a funeral: it scares off any evil spirits that may be clinging to your back.

Shinto religion also uses salt to purify an area. Before sumo wrestlers enter the ring for a match—which is actually an elaborate Shinto rite—a handful of salt is thrown into the center to drive off malevolent spirits.

In the Southwest, the Pueblo worship the Salt Mother. Other native tribes had significant restrictions on who was permitted to eat salt. Hopi legend holds that the angry Warrior Twins punished mankind by placing valuable salt deposits far from civilization, requiring hard work and bravery to harvest the precious mineral.

In 1933, the Dalai Lama was buried sitting up in a bed of salt.

Today, a gift of salt endures in Pakistan as a potent symbol of good luck and a reference to Mahatma Gandhi's liberation of Pakistan, which included a symbolic walk to the sea to gather tax-free salt for the nation's poor.

History of Salt Economics

As a precious and portable commodity, salt has long been a cornerstone of economies throughout history. In fact, researcher M.R. Bloch conjectured that civilization began along the edges of the desert because of the natural surface deposits of salt found there. Bloch also believed that the first war, likely fought near the ancient city of Essalt on the Jordan River, could have been fought over the city's precious salt supplies.

In 2200 BC, the Chinese emperor Hsia Yu levied one of the first known taxes. He taxed salt. In Tibet, Marco Polo noted that tiny cakes of salt were pressed with images of the Grand Khan and used as coins. Salt is still used as money among the nomads of Ethiopia's Danakil Plains.

Greek slave traders often bartered salt for slaves, giving rise to the expression that someone was "not worth his salt." Roman legionnaires were paid in salt—salarium, the Latin origin of the word "salary."

Merchants in 12th-Century Timbuktu, the gateway to the Sahara Desert and the seat of scholars, valued salt as highly as books and gold.

In France, Charles of Anjou levied the "gabelle," a salt tax, in 1259 to finance his conquest of the Kingdom of Naples. Outrage over the gabelle fueled the French Revolution. Though the revolutionaries eliminated the tax shortly after Louis XIV fell, the Republic of France reestablished the gabelle in the early 19th Century; only in 1946 was it removed from the books.

The Erie Canal, an engineering marvel that connected the Great Lakes to New York's Hudson River in 1825, was called "the ditch that salt built." Salt tax revenues paid for half the cost of construction of the canal.

The British monarchy supported itself with high salt taxes, leading to a bustling black market for the white crystal. In 1785, the earl of Dundonald wrote that every year in England, 10,000 people were arrested for salt smuggling. Protesting British rule in 1930, Mahatma Gandhi led a 200-mile march to the Arabian Ocean to collect untaxed salt for Pakistan's poor.

History of Salt Warfare

The effects of salt deficiency are highlighted in times of war, when human bodies and national economies are strained to their limits.

Thousands of Napoleon's troops died during the French retreat from Moscow due to inadequate wound healing and lowered resistance to disease—the results of salt deficiency.

Salt production facilities in Saltville, Va., Virginia's Kanawha Valley and Avery Island, Louisiana, were early targets of the Union Army. The North fought for 36 hours to capture Saltville, Va., where the salt works were considered crucial to the Rebel army. So crucial, that Confederate President Jefferson Davis offered to waive military service to anyone willing to tend coastal salt kettles to supply the South's war effort. In addition to dietary salt, the Confederacy needed the precious mineral to tan leather, dye cloth for uniforms and preserve meat.
Salt in History

Since its discovery, several thousand years ago, salt has profoundly affected human life, not only with respect to the feeding habits or the ancient food preserving home industry, but also in the human, economic, mythological and religious spheres. Last but not least, on beliefs, habits and superstitions. Salt was a greatly appreciated exchange commodity, so much so that the so-called "salt routes" were born, through which merchants transported and sold it in countries where it was not produced.

Some sources have confirmed the presence of such trading back in prehistoric times. The Phoenician showed themselves as true masters in the extraction and trading of salt, but only under the Romans can one speak of real exploitation of salt pans and the existence of a widespread trading network. It was precisely during the Roman Empire that soldiers were paid with sacks of salt, whence our term "salary".

The production and the transport of salt gave rise to new cities and to the construction of roads; such is the case of Salzburg—literally the "city of salt"—and of the via Salaria (the road of the salt) in Italy. Since the most remote past a tax was imposed on salt in numerous countries, but it has largely lost its importance today. Until 1975, in Italy this tax was collected through fiscal monopolies and the imposition of import customs. The State had a monopoly on the manufacture and sale of salt, and fixed the final market price, which included the tax rate of about 70% of the selling price. Discount prices were fixed on salt for agricultural and industrial uses, while its production was tax-free in Sicily, Sardinia and in the towns of Olivigno and Campione d'Italia.

Most ancient civilizations were accompanied by myths, religious and magic rites involving salt: one need only consider the history of the Jewish people or the content of some books of the Old Testament. For the ancient Hebrews salt, thanks to its flavoring qualities that made food tastier, became a symbol of the joy of joining around a table, so that eating together meant living in brotherly love.

In the New Testament salt found its place as well, present in a great number of metaphors or in parables as symbol of wisdom, incorruptibility, eternity and alliance between God and man. In Rome, on the eight day following his birth, a piece of salt was rubbed on the baby to keep away the demons and evil spirits. In the Gospel Jesus recommends his disciples to be "the salt of the earth", that is to be a force capable of keeping men from the corruption of sin.

The ancient Greeks and the Hebrews used salt during sacrifices, just as within the Roman temples the vestals prepared the sacrificial millstone by rubbing it with brine.

But if the salt fell from the head of the sacrifice's chosen victim, it was a sign of bad luck. Hence, the superstition, that has come down to our present time, is so engrained in us that in The Last Supper of Leonardo da Vinci we recognize Judas Iscariot -who shortly thereafter would betray Jesus- by the saltcellar he has carelessly dropped in front of him.

Considered by Plinio in his Naturalis historia as a panacea, in times gone by salt was offered to guests in sign of friendship (in Prague), while Germans took their oath with their hand sunk in it. In the Christian civilization, a bit of salt was even placed in the mouth of the baptized, pronouncing the formula "accipe sal sapiente", meaning that wisdom itself should flavor man's entire life. From Orazio

And, to conclude, salt can even be found in our bag of superstitions: many believe in its apostrophic power to drive away and exorcise evil spirits by sprinkling it on spilled oil. On the other hand there are those who fear bad luck will befall them if they should chance to drop salt on the floor, while it brings bad luck to the others if it is thrown.

A popular custom still in use in a number of European countries requires that a handful of salt be thrown in the coffin of a dead person before the burial. The salt—as symbol of incorruptibility and immortality—would thus keep away the devil. For the same reason in ancient Scotland salt was added in the brewing of beer, which would otherwise have been ruined by witches and evil spirits. In point of fact, the added salt had the affect of preventing excessive fermentation in the brew and therefore avoids its potential "corruption".

Sunday, March 27, 2011

About Salt

There is much to learn about salt. Salt, sodium chloride, touches our lives more than any other chemical compound. The chemical properties and physical properties of sodium chloride are a treasure to mankind. Salt or salt-derived products are ubiquitous in our material world and the very cells of our bodies swim in a saline solution. We take for granted the salt crystals that make our foods safe and palatable and we give thanks for salt’s lifesaving properties when applied to slick winter roads. Most are unaware of the 14,000 known uses for salt, how it’s produced and our success in ensuring the environmental compatibility as it provides the foundation for the quality of our lives.

Mankind evolved from the sea and we have a saline “sea” within us as do all fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds, and mammals. Environmental author Rachel Carson is best known for her book on birds, but she also wrote The Sea Around Us offering this insight: "When the animals went ashore to take up life on land, they carried part of the sea in their bodies, a heritage which they passed on to their children and which even today links each land animal with its origins in the ancient sea." Our blood has the same chemical balance of sodium, potassium and calcium found in the oceans.

salt occurs naturally all over the world as the mineral halite, as well as in seawater and salt lakes. Some salt is one the surface, the dried-up residue of ancient seas like the famed Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah. Surface salt depositions and man-made saltworks can be seen from space. In ocean coastal areas, saltwater can "intrude" on underground freshwater supplies, complicating the lives of those who provide our drinking water supplies. Scientists have also found salt in meteors and on Mars where its presence signals the possibility of extra-terrestrial life.

Chemical properties

Tight ionic bonding unites the elements sodium and chloride to make the chemical compound sodium chloride. Man has discovered a vast variety of ways to harness the chemical properties of salt to improve our lives. Chemically, there are many “ salt;” the resulting compound created by reacting an acid and a base; positively charged metal atoms (the sodium ion in the case of common salt) replacing the negatively charged hydrogen atoms of an acid, leaving the chloride ion.

Physical properties

Sodium chloride crystals are cubic in form and salt crystals are commonly used to exemplify crystalline structure and many science students are familiar with the process of growing salt crystals. Its color varies from colorless, when pure, to white, gray or brownish when in the solid, halite, form. Salt dissolves readily in water. salt crystals can be grown in various sizes and salt companies prepare particles in a wide variety of sizes to meet customer needs.

Where is salt found in nature ?

There is enough salt in the oceans of the world that we could use salt to sculpt a full-scale topographic map of Europe – five times over. Oceans contain an average of 2.7% salt, by weight (total solids in seawater average 3.5% and 77% of that is salt). In addition, evaporation of ancient oceans has left vast deposits of solid (rock) salt over huge areas of the world. These deposits can be in the form of bedded sedimentary layers or deep salt domes.

Will we run out of salt?

Never. salt is the most common and readily available nonmetallic mineral in the world; it is so abundant, accurate estimates of salt reserves are unavailable. In the United States there are an estimated 55 trillion metric tons. Since the world uses 240 million tons of salt a year, U.S. reserves alone could sustain our needs for 100,000 years. And some of that usage is naturally recycled after use. The enormity of the Earth’s underground salt deposits, combined with the saline vastness of the Earth’s oceans makes the supply of salt inexhaustible.

Facts & Statistics

Unlike other strategic minerals, salt is widely available and produced in countless production units spread around the globe. The rapid industrialization of East Asia and South Asia have propelled increases in world salt production with Pakistan just easing past the United States as the world’s largest salt producing country.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

History Of Salt

The craving for salt
Human beings have an intimate relationship with salt . Our tears, blood and sweat taste of salt .

The chemical reactions inside our bodies need sodium - one of the two components that make up salt (with chloride).

We can't survive without sodium, but it was about five million years before humans began to eat their sodium as salt .

Hunters in Greenland ate no salt until they were introduced to it by whaling Europeans in the 17th century. Like our prehistoric forebears, Lapps, Samoyeds, Kirghiz, Bedouin, Masai and Zulus used to consume all the sodium they needed from the animals and fish they ate.

Agriculture and salt
Archaeologists believe that salt eating developed as humans learned how to keep animals and grow crops in the years after 10,000 BC. As the proportion of meat in their diet fell, people had to find salt for themselves and for their domesticated animals.

Preserving food
salt has another crucial property that made it important for the development of human society. By 2000 BC, people knew that adding salt to food stopped it going off. Salt was used to preserve meat, fish and vegetables, and to create delicacies such as salted olives, which added variety to the diet.

The buying and selling of salt became one of the most important trading activities in the world.

Salt supplies
salt is one of the most common minerals on the earth. Salty springs and lakes dry out to leave salt crystals that can be collected. salt can be extracted from sea water by boiling or leaving it to evaporate. In some places, solid salt appears on the surface of the earth and can be collected or mined. Wells can be dug down to tap underground supplies of salty water.

The ancient Chinese and Egyptians, the Celts, the Romans and others discovered how to make salt from these sources. But despite their efforts, salt remained in short supply until modern times.

The trade in salt
salt was expensive because of the work needed to extract it and the high cost of carrying it by river, by sea and overland. Trading in salt made the traders rich. Roman and Chinese rulers introduced taxes on salt or took over the trade for themselves 2,500 years ago. When countries wanted to go to war, they raised taxes onsalt . British taxes and control of the salt trade lit the fuse of India's successful independence movement.

Salt and ritual
salt has had an important place in people's imaginations through the centuries. In many religions, salt was given as a blessing. It was thought to drive out evil spirits and was linked to fertility and sexual desire.

There are echoes of salt 's history in the English language today. You are paid a 'salary' because Roman soldiers were partly paid in salt ('salarium' in Latin). A juicy piece of gossip is 'salacious' because an ancient Roman in love was said to be 'salted'.

New uses for salt
Until the 19th century, the most important use of salt was in food, though it was also used to treat leather, dye textiles and in making pottery. In the 19th century, chemists discovered ways of using salt to make a whole range of new chemicals. Manufacturers today claim there are more than 14,000 uses for salt .

This industrial demand for salt caused a growth in the industry and much more extensive deep mining and drilling of salt. Salt shortages effectively ended by the middle of the 19th century.

Salt in processed food
salt has always been a key component in preserved food. salt consumption probably peaked in Europe in the 19th century when people ate as much as 18g a day, much of it in the form of ham, bacon and other salted meats and fish.

The invention of refrigeration meant meat could be transported across the world without the need for salting.

As people began to eat less salted meat and fish, new preserving techniques were being introduced in industrial countries. Tins, packets, ready-made biscuits, cakes, snacks and later whole meals revolutionized our eating habits. Salt was added to help preserve the food and improve the taste. Now, 75% of the salt we eat in the UK is already in the food we buy.

Friday, March 25, 2011


Salt has long held an important place in religion and culture. Greek worshippers consecrated salt in their rituals. Jewish Temple offerings included salt; on the Sabbath, Jews still dip their bread in salt as a remembrance of those sacrifices. In the Old Testament, Lot's wife was turned into a pillar of salt. Author Sallie Tisdale notes that salt is as free as the water suspending it when it's dissolved, and as immutable as stone when it's dry - a fitting duality for Lot's wife, who overlooks Sodom to this day.
Covenants in both the Old and New Testaments were often sealed with salt: the origin of the word "salvation." In the Catholic Church, salt is or has been used in a variety of purifying rituals. In fact, until Vatican II, a small taste of salt was placed on a baby's lip at his or her baptism. Jesus called his disciples "the Salt of the Earth." In Leonardo DaVinci's famous painting, "The Last Supper," Judas Escariot has just spilled a bowl of salt - a portent of evil and bad luck. To this day, the tradition endures that someone who spills salt should throw a pinch over his left shoulder to ward off any devils that may be lurking behind.
In Buddhist tradition, salt repels evil spirits. That's why it's customary to throw salt over your shoulder before entering your house after a funeral: it scares off any evil spirits that may be clinging to your back.
Shinto religion also uses salt to purify an area. Before sumo wrestlers enter the ring for a match—which is actually an elaborate Shinto rite—a handful of salt is thrown into the center to drive off malevolent spirits.
In the Southwest, the Pueblo worship the Salt Mother. Other native tribes had significant restrictions on who was permitted to eat salt. Hopi legend holds that the angry Warrior Twins punished mankind by placing valuable salt deposits far from civilization, requiring hard work and bravery to harvest the precious mineral.
In 1933, the Dalai Lama was buried sitting up in a bed of salt.
Today, a gift of salt endures in India as a potent symbol of good luck and a reference to Mahatma Gandhi's liberation of India, which included a symbolic walk to the sea to gather tax-free salt for the nation's poor.

History Salt

As far back as 6050 BC, salt has been an important and integral part of the world’s history, as it has been interwoven into the daily lives of countless historic civilizations. Used as a part of Egyptian religious offerings and valuable trade between the Phoenicians and their Mediterranean empire, salt and history have been inextricably intertwined for millennia, with great importance placed on salt by many different races and cultures of people. Even today, the history of salt touches our daily lives. The word “salary” was derived from the word “salt.” Salt was highly valued and its production was legally restricted in ancient times, so it was historically used as a method of trade and currency. The word “salad” also originated from “salt,” and began with the early Romans salting their leafy greens and vegetables. Undeniably, the history of salt is both broad ranging and unique, leaving its indelible mark in cultures across the globe.

Table of Contents:

Most people probably think of salt as simply that white granular food seasoning found in a salt shaker on virtually every dining table.
It is that, surely, but it is far more. It is an essential element in the diet of not only humans but of animals, and even of many plants. It is one of the most effective and most widely used of all food preservatives (and used to preserve Egyptian mummies as well). Its industrial and other uses are almost without number. In fact, salt has great current as well as historical interest, even the subject of humorous cartoons and poetry and useful in film-making. Sometimes, however, we need to separate the salt to get the history.
The fact is that throughout history, salt—called sodium chloride by chemists—has been such an important element of life that it has been the subject of many stories, fables and folktales and is frequently referenced in fairy tales. It served as money at various times and places, and it has been the cause of bitter warfare. Offering bread and salt to visitors, in many cultures, is traditional etiquette. It is used in making pottery. While we have records of the importance of salt in commerce in Medieval times and earlier, in some places like the Sahara and Nepal, salt trading today gives a glimpse of what life may have been like centuries ago.
Salt was in general use long before history, as we know it, began to be recorded. Some 2,700 years B.C.—about 4,700 years ago—there was published in China the Peng-Tzao-Kan-Mu, probably the earliest known treatise on pharmacology. A major portion of this writing was devoted to a discussion of more than 40 kinds of salt, including descriptions of two methods of extracting salt and putting it in usable form that are amazingly similar to processes used today. Chinese folklore recounts the discovery of salt. Salt production has been important in China for two millennia or more. And the Chinese, like many other governments over time, realizing that everyone needed to consume salt, made salt taxes a major revenue source. Nomads spreading westward were known to carry salt. Egyptian art from as long ago as 1450 B.C. records salt-making.
Salt was of crucial importance economically. A far-flung trade in ancient Greece involving exchange of salt for slaves gave rise to the expression, "not worth his salt." Special salt rations given early Roman soldiers were known as "salarium argentum," the forerunner of the English word "salary." References to salt abound in languages around the globe, particularly regarding salt used for food. From the Latin "sal," for example, come such other derived words as "sauce" and "sausage." Salt was an important trading commodity carried by explorers.
Salt has played a vital part in religious ritual in many cultures, symbolizing immutable, incorruptible purity. There are more than 30 references to salt in the Bible, using expressions like "salt of the earth." And there are many other literary and religious references to salt, including use of salt on altars representing purity, and use of "holy salt" by the Unification Church.
Saltmaking encompasses much of the history of the United Kingdom, particularly in the Cheshire area. Medieval European records document saltmaking concessions. On the Continent, Venice rose to economic greatness through its salt monopoly. Saltmaking was important in the Adriatic/Balkans region as well (the present border between Slovenia and Croatia) where Tuzla in Bosnia-Herzegovina is actually named for "tuz," the Turkish word for salt. So is Salzburg, Austria, which has made its four salt mines major tourist attractions. Bolivia's salt producing region is a tourist attraction with one hotel constructed entirely of salt and fascinating salt-bearing caravans of llamas. The grand designs of Philip II of Spain came undone through the Dutch Revolt at the end of the 16th Century; one of the keys, according to Montesquieu, was the successful Dutch blockade of Iberian saltworks which led directly to Spanish bankruptcy. Saltmaking was -- and is -- important in Holland as well. France has always been a major producer of salt and any discussion of saltmaking and distribution in France includes discussion of the gabelle, the salt tax which was a significant cause of the French Revolution, but salt remains important today. The magnitude of the gabelle is mind-boggling; from 1630 to 1710, the tax increased tenfold from 14 times the cost of production to 140 times the cost of production, according to Pierre Laszlo in his book Salt: Grain of Life (Columbia Univ. Press). Many Americans evoke an image from the phrase "Siberian salt mines," but saltmaking takes place in many places in Russia. In the Middle East, the Jordanian town of As-Salt, located on the road between Amman and Jerusalem, was known as Saltus in Byzantine times and was the seat of a bishopric. Later destroyed by the Mongols it was rebuilt by the Mamluke sultan Baybars I in the 13th century; the ruins of his fortress remain today. Indian history recalls the prominent role of salt (including the Great Hedge and its role in the British salt starvation policy) and Mahatma Gandhi’s resistance to British colonial rule. Salt played a key role in the history of West Africa, particularly during the great trading empire of Mali (13th-16th Centuries) — and it still does!
Salt has played a prominent role in the European exploration of North America and subsequent American history, Canadian history, and Mexican history as well. The first Native Americans "discovered" by Europeans in the Caribbean were harvesting sea salt as on St. Maarten. When the major European fishing fleets discovered the Grand Banks of Newfoundland at the end of the 15th Century, the Portuguese and Spanish fleets used the "wet" method of salting their fish onboard, while the French and English fleets used the "dry" or "shore" salting method of drying their catch on racks onshore; thus, the French and British fishermen became the first European inhabitants of northern North America since the Vikings a half-century earlier. Had it not been for the practice of salting fish, Europeans might have confined their fishing to the coasts of Europe and delayed "discovery" of the "New World."
Salt motivated the American pioneers. The American Revolution had heroes who were saltmakers and part of the British strategy was to deny the American rebels access to salt. And salt was on the mind of William Clark in the pathbreaking Lewis & Clark Expedition to the Pacific Northwest. The first patent issued by the British crown to an American settler gave Samuel Winslow of the Massachusetts Bay Colony the exclusive right for ten years to make salt by his particular method. The Land Act of 1795 included a provision for salt reservations (to prevent monopolies) as did an earlier (1778) treaty between the Iroquois' Onondaga tribe and the state of New York. New York has always been important in salt production. The famed Erie Canal, opened in 1825, was known as "the ditch that salt built" because salt, a bulky product presenting major transportation difficulties, originally was its principal cargo. Syracuse, NY, is to this day proud of its salt history and its nickname: "Salt City." Salt production has been important in Michigan and West Virginia for more than a century. Salt played an important role on the U.S. frontier, including areas like Illinois and Nebraska which no longer have commercial salt production.
Salt played a key role in the Civil War and on the the present. In December, 1864, Union forces made a forced march and fought a 36-hour battle to capture Saltville, Virginia, the site of an important salt processing plant thought essential to sustaining the South's beleaguered armies. Civilian distress over the lack of salt in the wartime Confederacy undermined rebel homefront morale too. Salt was critical to locating the city of Lincoln, Nebraska and West Virginia claims salt as its first mineral industry. The important role of salt in Kansas history will be captured in a new salt museum in Hutchinson, KS. The vast distances in the American West sometimes required passage over extensive salt flats. In Canada, Windsor Salt is more than a century old. In the American West, a "salt war" was fought at El Paso, TX and we know that Nevada was not known only as a silver state. Many cities, counties, land features and other landmarks reflect the importance of salt. Salt, of course, has many uses; some techniques using salt such as production of "salt prints" in 19th Century photography have been superseded by new technologies -- others have not. Several salt prints are viewable online Not all American "salt history" is so old, either. Salt-glazed pottery is still popular. Salt is even associated with the struggle for women's rights in the U.S.
Salt also had military significance. For instance, it is recorded that thousands of Napoleon's troops died during his retreat from Moscow because their wounds would not heal as a result of a lack of salt. In 1777, the British Lord Howe was jubilant when he succeeded in capturing General Washington's salt supply.
Similarly, throughout history the essentiality of salt has subjected it to governmental monopoly and special taxes. Salt taxes long supported British monarchs and thousands of Britishers were imprisoned for smuggling salt. French kings developed a salt monopoly by selling exclusive rights to produce it to a favored few who exploited that right to the point where the scarcity of salt was a major contributing cause of the French Revolution. In modern times, Mahatma Gandhi defied British salt laws as a means of mobilizing popular support for self-rule in India. In recent years, the promotion of free trade through the World Trade Organization has led to abolition of many national monopolies, for example, in Taiwan.
In short, the innocuous looking, white granular substance we know today as "salt" historically has been so essential to all life as to be of the utmost value. We are fortunate, indeed, that in the United States it has never been subjected to discriminatory taxes, and that in North America it is plentiful and one of the most easily obtainable and least expensive of our necessities.

History of Salt Production in the United States

Reports from Onondaga, New York in 1654 indicated the Onondaga Indians made salt by boiling brine from salt springs. Colonial Americans were making salt by boiling brine in iron kettles during the time the U.S. Constitution was drafted. By the time of the Civil War, 3,000 workers produced over 225,000 short tons of salt by boiling. Settlers reported that Native Americans made salt at Kanawha, West Virginia before 1755 by boiling brine from salt springs. Large scale salt production from brine springs was underway by 1800, and the process of drilling for more concentrated brine began within a few years. The Kanawha valley supplied the Confederacy with salt during the Civil War, when production peaked.
Similar events occurred at Avery Island, Louisiana. Historians believe that Native Americans produced salt from salt springs more than 500 years before the arrival of Europeans. Salt produced by boiling brine supplied salt during the war of 1812. Full scale production in open pits or quarries began in 1862, during the Civil War, and the first underground salt mine was started in 1869 with the sinking of a shaft.
Solar salt was produced during the early 1800s in less than ideal climates, by building movable, covered sheds over the evaporating pans, protecting the salt and brine from precipitation. Solar salt making began on San Francisco Bay, California in 1770 and at the Great Salt Lake in Utah in 1847. During the 1830s on Cape Cod there were 442 salt works.
Mechanical evaporation in multiple effect open "grainer" pans began in about 1833, along with methods to purify the brine before evaporation. Salt makers could produce a clean, white, desirable salt product. Further developments during the 1800s at Silver Springs, New York, produced the concept of crystallizing salt in enclosed vacuum pans.
Salt was produced between 1790 and 1860 in Louisiana, Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois and Missouri by boiling brine in salt furnaces. Waste wood products from the lumber industry supplied low cost fuel to produce salt from salt springs at Saginaw and St. Clair, Michigan during the mid-1800s. Drillers found a rock salt deposit at St. Clair, Michigan in 1882, providing nearly saturated brine to feed the evaporators. Solution mining of rock salt deposits spread rapidly throughout the salt producing states. When rock salt deposits were reached by drilling, conventional underground mining soon followed. Salt mining continues today throughout North America in Kansas, Louisiana, Ohio, New York, Texas, Ontario, New Brunswick (potash and salt), Quebec, and Nova Scotia.
Salt production in Kansas, Utah, Louisiana, New York, Ohio and Michigan in the U.S. has enriched local history and culture. Branding by Morton has made it a highly-recognized name in American commerce. Salt mining under the City of Detroit, Michigan has been a long-standing activity.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


"As you know, my two dalmatians have had serious respiratory problems for the last five years. Since I plugged in your "Salt Lamp", after the first week I noticed that my dogs have gone from breathing easier to virtually eliminating their sneezing and wheezing. Your product works wonders."
Marj Hogan Dallas, Texas
Oh yes, feel free to use my comment. You can also put in 'I use it as a nightlight and have been sleeping much more soundly. And during the day I put it by my computer for increased productivity and a sense of well being. Loved my first lamp - now I need another one! Thanks so much!
Faye Krzewina, Wausaukee, Wisconsin, USA

Try our mini moon light. It will help purify the air you breathe. Help yourself concentrate more. Create a more relaxing enviroment with a pleasant firery glow. It also makes a great conversation piece that will be the envy of all your light loving friends. It's great to have next to the computer during those long study sessions.

Salt rocks in the mine cars on there way to being processed. Some of these rocks will become lamps while the others will be used in other salt products such as table salt.
To view video clips of a salt mine click the links below. Make sure you have windows media player version 7.

  • Wieliczka Salt Mine

  • Salt rock history

  • Un mined salt blasted into rocks

  • Salt loaded into the mine cars

  • Salt Rocks from mine

  • I received my salt lamp as a gift and keep it in my yoga/meditation room. I feel balanced and am able to breathe freely knowing the air is being purified by my lamp. The soft glow adds a touch of warmth to the room. My pre-natal yoga students are especially enjoying it knowing that they benefiting from it and so are their babies. Thank you so much for such a beautiful product of mother nature. I plan on getting many more for my home as well as gifts for friends. Namaste. Jane Drayton

    I was skeptical at first, but then my sweetheart, who already has six of them at his house, got me myfirst four. One is in the upstairs bathroom and is on all nightwhich makes for a great night light, two are on in the downstairs bathroom all day, and the one next to my reading/knitting spot is on in the late afternoon and evening. I fell in love with them for their beauty and now I am beginning to feel the positive effects they are having on the atmosphere of my home, and the freshness that is evident. I would like to get more, but our local retail store is out of them and is not sure that he can get them again. Please tell me it is not so, and where can I get more. Thanks, Linda

    Your product, I believe it is a mini moon light, has been in our spa director's office for some time now, turned on. It's beauty and ionic effect is the talk of the spa. The "refreshing" feeling in the room was mentioned even before we read the attached literature about ionic effects. Many massage therapists that I work with want to find out where to get one/some of the crystals. I can now tell my colleagues and clients that in addition to all the positive effects of the crystal on human physiology, it has a positive effect on the financial anatomy! Excellent product and service, great price at! Buy now!

    I was shocked to feel the difference in the air that was in the room that I was in .The room was just so crisp, as if the storm had gone thru the room.this is unbelievable.carol t.,princeton,nj

    Mr. Bogdal, Just wanted to take the time to express how much I love my salt basket nightlight. I have tendonitis in my left wrist and find that the warm salt is therapeutic. The salt rubbed against my wrist and hand actually loosens and lessens the stiffness of the tendonitis. I look forward at night to the benefit of the warmth and healing properties of the salt. This is so important to me since I am studying to become an Aesthetician and my livelihood will depend on using my wrists and hands. Continuing in this field was a serious issue of concern for me. Thanks for introducing me to such a natural source of comfort and help with my tendonitis Sincerely, Barbara Brooks

    The purpose of our website is to get retail customers to shop for our products in your store. We expect customers to call us so we can tell them where the closest store is.

    To register you will need a business license or reseller number. First you must register so you can shop our wholesale catalog. Then you will have to register once more with our shopping cart engine.

    Negative Ions freshen and improve air quality by removing harmful particles from the air. Many people notice and improved air quality next to the ocean, near a waterfall, in the forest or on a mountains. This heightened awareness comes from a larger quantity of negative ions in the air.
    Salt Lamps from Poland are known to produce negative ions which improves air quality, energy levels and one's general well being.
    Enjoy the beautiful, relaxing light of your Salt Lamp while creating a better living and working environment.

    The electric field caused by the positive static charge that appears on a CRT in normal operation sweeps the nearby air of negative charges, thereby depleting the negative-ion concentration in the immediate vicinity. Apparently when the ion concentration is lowered by this or any other means--air conditioning does it too--workers complain of headaches, lethargy, dizziness and nausea.

    Please click on the links below to View our News Letter in PDF format.

    For centuries people know about ability of Salt Crystal Rock to improve air qualities by
    enriching air with " Negative Ions " and ionized air beneficial to humans. Salt Crystal Rock and lamps made from Salt Crystal Rocks are natural air ionizers. Negative Ions produced by Salt Crystal Lamps effectively, and naturally improve the quality of the air by producing negative ions - the "Vitamins Of The Air". Negative ions can be found in nature, concentrated in air by the billions; on Mountain Tops after Thunder Storms, near water falls, forests, and by the Sea. Negative Ions give the air its invigorating freshness, airborne bacteria free, clean which is so beneficial for humans .
    Non-illuminated crystals (cool Salt Crystal, underground Salt Mines) produce Negative Ionizing effect, however the Salt Crystal Lamps which are illuminated from inside with a lamp (warm Salt Crystal) produces and emits a higher number of Negative Ions and delivers a more efficient Ionizing Effect. Today, the health benefits of Negative Ionizers are well recognized all over the world. While most ionizers on the market are man-made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamps are a beautiful, less costly, maintenance free, natural alternative of Mother Nature's to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps will not reduce in size, color or shape, and will not loose weight, or their ionizing effect!
    Beside Air Ionization and Negative Ions production, Salt lamps Illuminated by a light bulb, also produce a beautiful, pleasant to the eyes, mind, and sole, natural Glow of different colors and shades from orange to yellow. This Light Color Glow and Ionized, Clean, Fresh Air create a special atmosphere of calming meditative balancSpeleotherapy Sanatoriume, tranquillity, peace and well - being for humans.
    Many people in Europe and Australia are aware of the benefits of negative ions to our health. These negative Ions are essential for our health and well being. The freshness of the air after a thunderstorm, on a mountain top, or by the seaside, are due to the high concentration of negative ions in the air. On the other hand, the reduced well being one feels in highly polluted areas, cars, factory smog, artificially air conditioned offices, or when certain hot dry wind conditions exist, are usually due to an unduly low negative ion balance (and therefore high proportion of positive ions).

    Sunday, March 20, 2011


    The electric field caused by the positive static charge that appears on a CRT in normal operation sweeps the nearby air of negative charges, thereby depleting the negative-ion concentration in the immediate vicinity. Apparently when the ion concentration is lowered by this or any other means--air conditioning does it too--workers complain of headaches, lethargy, dizziness and nausea.

    For centuries people know about ability of Salt Crystal Rock to improve air qualities by Speleotherapy Sanatorium
    enriching air with " Negative Ions " and ionized air beneficial to humans. Salt Crystal Rock and lamps made from Salt Crystal Rocks are natural air ionizers. Negative Ions produced by Salt Crystal Lamps effectively, and naturally improve the quality of the air by producing negative ions - the "Vitamins Of The Air". Negative ions can be found in nature, concentrated in air by the billions; on Mountain Tops after Thunder Storms, near water falls, forests, and by the Sea. Negative Ions give the air its invigorating freshness, airborne bacteria free, clean which is so beneficial for humans .
    Non-illuminated crystals (cool Salt Crystal, underground Salt Mines) produce Negative Ionizing effect, however the Salt Crystal Lamps which are illuminated from inside with a lamp (warm Salt Crystal) produces and emits a higher number of Negative Ions and delivers a more efficient Ionizing Effect. Today, the health benefits of Negative Ionizers are well recognized all over the world. While most ionizers on the market are man-made machines, the Salt Crystal Lamps are a beautiful, less costly, maintenance free, natural alternative of Mother Nature's to improve air quality. With time, the Salt Crystal Lamps will not reduce in size, color or shape, and will not loose weight, or their ionizing effect!
    Beside Air Ionization and Negative Ions production, Salt lamps Illuminated by a light bulb, also produce a beautiful, pleasant to the eyes, mind, and sole, natural Glow of different colors and shades from orange to yellow. This Light Color Glow and Ionized, Clean, Fresh Air create a special atmosphere of calming meditative balance, tranquillity, peace and well - being for humans.
    Many people in Europe and Australia are aware of the benefits of negative ions to our health. These negative Ions are essential for our health and well being. The freshness of the air after a thunderstorm, on a mountain top, or by the seaside, are due to the high concentration of negative ions in the air. On the other hand, the reduced well being one feels in highly polluted areas, cars, factory smog, artificially air conditioned offices, or when certain hot dry wind conditions exist, are usually due to an unduly low negative ion balance (and therefore high proportion of positive ions).


    Speleotherapy or underground climatotherapy is an alternative treatment for asthma usedtreatment for asthma in Eastern Europe10. It involves spending 2-3 hours a day underground in subterranean caves or salt mines over a 2-3 month period. This rather old therapeutic modality without a scientific explanation seems to give some benefit to patients with COAD and asthma.
    10. Karakoca Y, Demir G, Kisacik G et al. Speleotherapy in asthma and allergic diseases. Clin Exp Allergy 1995;25:666-667.

    Ukrainian allergologic hospital (UAH) - is the greatest in the world speleotherapeutic Speleotherapy And Excersizeclinic, where for more than 30 years is successfully applied the unique microclimate of salt mines in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with all forms bronchial asthma and other chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD).
    During this period about 60000 patients were cured with high efficiency. The hospital is designed for simultaneous reception of 260 persons. Annually more than 2000 adults and 1000 children improve their health in the clinic. UAH is located in the foothill zone of Ukrainian Carpathians in the valley of the river Tisa with soft climatic conditions.

    Medicinal factors
    To umprove patients' health three basic medical factors are applied: Specific microclimate of salt mines, water of salt workings, brine and mud of salty lake (with high content of bromine ions). The original complex of medical factors on the base of UAH allows to provide health improvement not only for patients with CNLD, but also for patients with psoriasis, neurodermitis, allergic dermatitis, conditions after burns, patients with disfunctions of nervous system, diseases of sexual sphere and organs of support and motion.

    UAH has a department of speleotherapy (underground treatment); a surface complex, which includes 3 therapeutic departments for the adults, pediatric department, wards of intensive therapy and reanimation, X-ray, stomatological and allergological consulting rooms, ORL-room, laboratory-diagnostic department, department of physiotherapeutic treatment with a cabinet for acupuncture, halls for medical physical training and consulting room for functional diagnostics. Besides at UAH there is a comfortable zone of rest on salty lakes.
    Such structure of UAH allows ensuring a complex individual approach to diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of each patient.

    Medical process
    During the initial period (after arrival to the clinic) every patient undergo diagnostics toWorking out in a Salt Mine reveal peculiarities of the phase, duration, severity of the disease and associated pathology. After that the patient is offered a complex of medical measures according to his individual features, directed on the achievement of maximal effect and duration of remission.
    To increase the effect of speleotherapy in UAH is widely used various nature-therapeutic methods for health improvement - thermal- and electro-treatment, inhalation and drinking phytotherapy, various forms of massage, laser-therapy, aromotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, medical physical culture. Qualified personnel with application of modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation allow carrying out the whole process of treatment on high level.
    The experience of UAH confirms, that speleotherapy is one of the simple and highly effective methods of non-medical treatment and rehabilitation of patients with various chronic nonspecific lung diseases

    • Negative Ions clean the air of:
    • Dust
    • Pollen (grass, weed and tree pollen)
    • Dust mites
    • Animal dander
    • Mold spores
    • Hay fever
    • Asthma
    • Air purifying and freshening
    • Odor reduction
    • Smoke elimination
    • Seasonal affective disorder
    • Depression
    • Chronic fatigue

    History Salt Lamps

    History Salt Lamps

    Salt rocks in the mine cars on there way to being processed. Some of these rocks will become lamps while the others will be used in other salt products such as table salt.
    Our Salt Crystal Lamps and Candle Holders are beautifully handcrafted from the purest rock saltSalts in the world and excavated (at 1000 meter deep) from the finest and oldest (more than 260 million years old) mines in the foothills of Himalayas. When mining the salt crystals, explosives are strictly prohibited to preserve the structures of the crystals. Lamps are carefully crafted by hand to retain the unique, beautiful and natural shape of the rock. The result is a rare crystal with such beautiful colors ranging from off-white to apricot and warm pink. As the lit bulb or a tea light warms up the lamp, healthful negative ions lift off from the surface and help to cleanse and improve the quality and freshness of the air you breathe.

    Saturday, March 19, 2011

    Deodorant Stone

    Deodorant Stone
    Whether or not these reports are correct, any man made chemicals sprayed onto our body's largest organ are more likely to be potentially harmful than a naturally occurring mineral. Our natural Deo-Stones are made from natural Bauxite Ore which we harvest and refine into pure alum crystal. Alum , one of the most abundant substances on earth, is another naturally occurring compound found in nature and present in the water drink, the food we eat and even the air we breathe. Being in salt, and not in metal form, the crystal deodorantDeodorant Stonecontains no aluminium that can clog pores and molecules are too large to be absorbed in the body or blood stream. It doesn't even try to mask your bodily smells or stop the natural process of perspiration. So if they dont do that, how do they work? First of all you wet the crystal and rub it on the areas you want to deodorise. The salt depositsDeodorant Stone stay on your skin, raising the PH level and stopping the bacteria in its track, the hydroscopic salt on your skin reduces the moisture on the areas where it has been applied.The deo-stones are the guaranteed to be free of synthetic oils, alcohol, emulsifiers, solvents and other chemical additives such as propellants which have been shown to damage the ozone layer.Although making a come back this form of deodorants has been used in the health and nutrition industry for over 20 years and Deodorant Stonesimilar natural commodities have been used in Europe ands Asia for centuries. Presented individually, or in gift set with a hand crafted onyx base Light Impacts deo stone is making a profitable return to retail of all sizes.
    Deodorant stones are basically crystals of natural mineral salts which restrains the growth of odor forming bacteria in a human body. The stones we specialize in making are non-Toxic, fragrance-free, spite free and non-Staining crystals. They are available in different sizes and are wrapped up in a natural unbleached cotton container. The pure and finest deodorant stones are Aluminum and asbestos free. They are pleasantly simple, ordinary and truthfully effectual. They literally provide long lasting shield.
    • How do they work?
    • Merely wet the Stone and rub slowly onto the areas that require shield, making sure the entire area is covered.
    Studies have proved that Deodorant Stone plants an unseen film of protection that prevents odor causing bacteria from forming and gives out a fresh and clean feeling throughout the day. They form an environment unreceptive to bacterial growth. This is somewhat due to the low Ph of the deodorant and perspiration combination.
    “It is not a cover-up nor does it obstruct your pores. It just allows your body to function naturally while actually inhibiting bacteria growth.”
    • How to prevent your stones?
    Deodorant Stones are basically salts. Therefore, they can easily liquefy if left in water. After using, situate them somewhere on a small dish or plate so that they can dry out gradually. Exposure to strong direct sunlight could possibly cause the Stone to split.
    Make sure, to seize proper care while they are wet because they are greasy. Once they fall onto a hard surface they will rupture and would not be of use anymore. If you have problems holding the Stone then place a dry face flannel on your palm and then hold it with the flannel.
    • Question time!
    • What’s the difference between the Potassium alum in the stones, and aluminum?
    The answer is simple. Potassium Alum occurs naturally in minerals such as Bauxite and Kainite. Potassium alum is commercially produced through a leaching process or mother liquor process. The alum that is used in the deodorant stone is in the salt form, not the metallic form whereas; it is the soil and clays that only when processed, produces metallic aluminum products. So, Potassium alum and aluminum are two different things and are produced in a different way.
    You must have understood by now that we make exclusively superb deodorant stones which are non-toxic and anti bacterial basis for a fresh and odorless you!

    Deodorant Stone

    Deodorant Stone
    Whether or not these reports are correct, any man made chemicals sprayed onto our body's largest organ are more likely to be potentially harmful than a naturally occurring mineral. Our natural Deo-Stones are made from natural Bauxite Ore which we harvest and refine into pure alum crystal. Alum , one of the most abundant substances on earth, is another naturally occurring compound found in nature and present in the water drink, the food we eat and even the air we breathe. Being in salt, and not in metal form, the crystal deodorantDeodorant Stonecontains no aluminium that can clog pores and molecules are too large to be absorbed in the body or blood stream. It doesn't even try to mask your bodily smells or stop the natural process of perspiration. So if they dont do that, how do they work? First of all you wet the crystal and rub it on the areas you want to deodorise. The salt depositsDeodorant Stone stay on your skin, raising the PH level and stopping the bacteria in its track, the hydroscopic salt on your skin reduces the moisture on the areas where it has been applied.The deo-stones are the guaranteed to be free of synthetic oils, alcohol, emulsifiers, solvents and other chemical additives such as propellants which have been shown to damage the ozone layer.Although making a come back this form of deodorants has been used in the health and nutrition industry for over 20 years and Deodorant Stonesimilar natural commodities have been used in Europe ands Asia for centuries. Presented individually, or in gift set with a hand crafted onyx base Light Impacts deo stone is making a profitable return to retail of all sizes.
    Deodorant stones are basically crystals of natural mineral salts which restrains the growth of odor forming bacteria in a human body. The stones we specialize in making are non-Toxic, fragrance-free, spite free and non-Staining crystals. They are available in different sizes and are wrapped up in a natural unbleached cotton container. The pure and finest deodorant stones are Aluminum and asbestos free. They are pleasantly simple, ordinary and truthfully effectual. They literally provide long lasting shield.
    • How do they work?
    • Merely wet the Stone and rub slowly onto the areas that require shield, making sure the entire area is covered.
    Studies have proved that Deodorant Stone plants an unseen film of protection that prevents odor causing bacteria from forming and gives out a fresh and clean feeling throughout the day. They form an environment unreceptive to bacterial growth. This is somewhat due to the low Ph of the deodorant and perspiration combination.
    “It is not a cover-up nor does it obstruct your pores. It just allows your body to function naturally while actually inhibiting bacteria growth.”
    • How to prevent your stones?
    Deodorant Stones are basically salts. Therefore, they can easily liquefy if left in water. After using, situate them somewhere on a small dish or plate so that they can dry out gradually. Exposure to strong direct sunlight could possibly cause the Stone to split.
    Make sure, to seize proper care while they are wet because they are greasy. Once they fall onto a hard surface they will rupture and would not be of use anymore. If you have problems holding the Stone then place a dry face flannel on your palm and then hold it with the flannel.
    • Question time!
    • What’s the difference between the Potassium alum in the stones, and aluminum?
    The answer is simple. Potassium Alum occurs naturally in minerals such as Bauxite and Kainite. Potassium alum is commercially produced through a leaching process or mother liquor process. The alum that is used in the deodorant stone is in the salt form, not the metallic form whereas; it is the soil and clays that only when processed, produces metallic aluminum products. So, Potassium alum and aluminum are two different things and are produced in a different way.
    You must have understood by now that we make exclusively superb deodorant stones which are non-toxic and anti bacterial basis for a fresh and odorless you!